One thing that has kept coming up in these posts, is that both history and predictions about the future call for a healing period of seventy years. One article came from a Russian news journal, which has made some stir in a number of circles, stating that Russia's recovery of the Marxist period was nearly seventy years. Looking to the future, economists are anticipating a 7 decade recovery of America, should their chants of doom come. For me, the impression of a seventy year term is linked to the Biblical accounts of Israel defying God, and falling into the hostile hands of the Babalonians, Assyrians, Persians, Etc. It could be just the way people throughout time have responded to times like these, or it could be God's mercy in allowing ONLY 70 years. He IS the healer of the nations. Take a look at this to get one persons opinion; a little extreme, I think, but the point is clear.
There is no doubt, the financial mess we see is an indicator of the moral, social mess we've created.
"In any successful attack on freedom the state can only be an accomplice. The chief culprit is the citizen who forgets his duty, wastes away his strength in the sleep of sin and sensual pleasure, and so loses the power of his own initiative" - "Sphere Sovereignty," Abraham Kuyper
The strength of a nation is it's obedience to God. Too many people have Jesus in their hearts but guilt on their hands. America, as well as the rest of the world, needs a cold glass of water thrown in the face to wake us from the wrath to come. My fear is that what we are witnessing today, in our society, and those like the UK, are the alarm to rouse the world.That government which tells you that drinking alcohol under the age of 21 or smoking under 18 is morally wrong, and also insists that sodomy is a lifestyle to envy, is the same governing body which has irreversibly plunged our country into trillions of dollars worth of slavery, and tips the scales in their favor. This government is made up of individuals who the rest of our country are pleased to have represent them. Look at the average American household's debt level, and the it is unmistakable that people follow their leaders. On the other hand, this is a Democracy, and the people are the leaders. The verdict is clear; we are all to blame.
A life of sin is the ultimate form of slavery.
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