When the word 'culture' is mentioned, most people gravitate toward images of popular figures, music, movies, New York, etc. But the word 'culture', comes from the Latin, 'cultus', which literally means worship. The idea here is that your worship defines, or shapes the way you live. For Americans, we are still living in ways that were predominately shaped by our grand-parents and great grand-parents, even our great, great, great; you get the idea. What was the object of worship by the majorities one hundred years ago? How did their "religious" activities effect their day-to-day lives? More importantly, what and how do we worship today that will change the way our children and their children live years from now? Will the change be for the better? Would you say, that based on this premise, the future looks bright for the next generations?
About fifty years ago, a movement broke out, which has been given the name, Existentialism. This is the idea that there is nothing worth living for, objectively, so each individual must create a purpose and a meaning for the life they were randomly handed. The major component of this reasoning is, because there is nothing established and objective, there is no right and wrong; each person is entitled to believe whatever he has generated out of his own thought and experiences. Consequently, there is no firm, immovable standard, and the highest level of authority is the one holding the biggest guns. If this reasoning is run out to its necessary end, you arrive at only one reasonable place, which is Statism; the idea that government and law have produced the ultimate standard for right and wrong. Of course that would require being reasonable, and who's to say whether it is or not? Many people who fall into this category consider themselves 'non-religious'. This is an utter fallacy, because every last person worships something or someone; whether or not they acknowledge it.
Personally, I am of the mind that people are far more reasonable than they let on to be, and fortunately, quite a bit more inconsistent than they are aware. I say fortunately, because most people who have adopted this 'religion'of relativity have not thoroughly considered the historical construct and heritage they are held to, nor have they considered the full outcome of their beliefs. An old proverb reads, "Men are prone to destruction, as the sparks fly upward". Our ways seem right to us, but it's end is the way of death. If you can identify a problem in humanity, it was likely caused by people. More specifically, by people who are acting according to their own set of agendas and ideas of morality.
Until we are willing to acknowledge the standard given by the One who made us, the issues confronting humanity will only continue to grow. There is nothing that human kind can do to relieve itself of its problems. The only way to ensure a path of correction and peace is a complete, true heart of submission to The Creator, God. Past generations worshiped this God, granted with much to be desired, but their focus on Jesus Christ empowered them to become what they could not have without Him. What they became was what strengthened them to build the cultures we enjoy today. I think it is widely accepted that if each and every person were to become loving, selfless, truthful, clean, wise, and peaceful, then the world would be a perfect place to live. The only way to this end is to give every person the One who can make this a reality; Jesus Christ. Let us worship that like which we hope to become.
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